Getting Started

Hello and Welcome to Tanzquotient. This page is meant to give you an overview, if you're just getting started as an active member. There is no claim to completeness.

Who to ask?

Usually, you'll get assigned one board member as contact person. You can ask them anything (Zwinkern)

Nevertheless, it sometimes makes more sense to ask:

  • questions of general interested in the board-team-austausch channel on Discord
  • the IT person ( for anything related to emails, files, access to services,...
  • the board member responsible for the concerned area of responsibility (see to find out who is responsible for what)

As a fallback, you can always ask the current president of Tanzquotient (

Free Courses

As an active member, you benefit from (some) free dance courses.

How many free courses do I get?

  • I helped at an event: You receive a payment (in form of a voucher) depending on the amount of hours you helped and whether you helped before, during or after the event.
  • I am teaching courses: You get one course for free for each period you were teaching (this usually means 2 free courses / semester)
  • I am a team member: One course each period (i.e. 2 free courses / semester)
  • I am a board member: You can take as many free courses as you like (within reason)

N.B. You can always ask a board member to get an additional course for free. We will then decide separately for each request.

How to get your free course?

  1. Ask the board member responsible for you to give you a voucher for a dance course
  2. Sign up regularly through the website
  3. Once your subscription is confirmed, you will get an email telling you to pay the course
  4. Click the link (in the email, or on the website under "My Courses") to redeem your voucher

Services and how to log in

First, contact the person responsible for IT within Tanzquotient at They will request a new account for you. After a few days you should receive an email with your new credentials. Be sure to save those, as you will need them for almost everything related to Tanzquotient and VSETH.

Tanzquotient Wiki

Some parts of our wiki, like this page, are public. But there are also some pages you can only see when logged in. Editing pages also requires you to be signed.

Steps to log in

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your VSETH credentials, i.e. using vseth-[nethz]
  3. Click on the Tanzquotient Space.


There is also a large non-Tanzquotient-specific Wiki maintained by VSETH. It contains a lot of useful information, like communication channels, rooms, finances, and others.

Steps to log in

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your VSETH credentials, i.e. using vseth-[nethz]
  3. Click on the Space you're interested in.

Important pages

This list contains the most important pages, but you should also browse through the spaces yourself to see what's there.

Google Drive

All of our documents and resources are saved there.

Steps to log in

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with the following username/email: [nethz] (e.g.
  3. You will be redirected to Switch. Choose ETH Zürich and sign in with your VSETH credentials, i.e. using vseth-[nethz]
  4. Once you're logged in, click on "Shared drives" and then "0519-Tanzquotient"

Email Accounts

As part of Tanzquotient, you have access to a personal email address. The email address is of the form [nethz] Usually you also have access to some shared mailboxes, like The shared mailbox should be preferred over the personal mailbox, as your successors will then also have access to all relevant messages.

Steps to log in (Webmail)

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your VSETH credentials, i.e. using vseth-[nethz]
  3. You are now signed into your personal mailbox.
  4. If you want to access a shared mailbox, continue as following
    Note: The following only works on the desktop version (if you're on your phone, set the toggle to request the desktop version in your browser)
    1. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner
    2. Click on "Open another mailbox"
    3. Type the email address you want to access, e.g.
    4. Confirm and click on "Open"
    5. You are now signed into the respective shared mailbox

Sign in on your phone, tablet or laptop

It's usually more convenient to set up your mail accounts once on all your devices. You can follow the VSETH documentation found here: 
If something is not working, feel free to contact to get some help.


We use our website for publishing information, courses and events. Moreover, we also use it for managing everything related to course sign ups. Check out the admin interface of the website to see all available tools.

Access the admin interface

The admin interface ca be found here:  

If you can not access the page:


Phasing out

As of November 2024, Notion is being phased out as a TQ-level platform. Individual sub-teams and team members can resort to it on a need-basis. Access to the TQ Notion workspace is therefore only provided to specific users upon request to IT.

We use Notion to keep track of general tasks and use it within a ressort to manage certain events or tasks within a course period.
To access notion please contact the person responsible for IT within Tanzquotient at to add you to our Notion page.

Steps to log in (Notion)

  1. Go to 
  2. Log in using your VSETH credentials, i.e. using [nethz]
  3. You should now have access to the whole Notion-page of TQ.


The internal communication among the board and team members happens via Discord. Ask a team or board member to join.

Thumb rules for Discor-communication:

  • intern-X channel = ressort internal communication
  • anfragen-X channel = when it’s a request from another ressort like for example when the event team needs something from the communication team
  • in general tag people, if you want something from them
  • react or answer if you have been tagged to make sure the other person knows that you have read his/her message
  • frequency of checking discord (lower bound): have a look at discord at least at the messages where you have been tagged around every 3 days
  • in emergencies: call or text the concerned person directly via signal/whatsapp/whatever
  • you can also change the notifications so you only get a notification for specific channels or when you’re tagged


We use WhatsApp, and Signal. Find the most important Chats in the following


Public chat for everyone. We use it to announce courses and events. Participants may ask questions.

Platform: WhatsApp

Tanzquotient Community

People getting together. Everyone can propose an idea & everyone can join.

Platform: WhatsApp

Tanzquotient Helpers

For everyone who is open to helping out occasionally.

Platform: WhatsApp

Tanzquotient DJs

For people who want to be DJs at Open Dancings.

Platform: Signal & Whatsapp

Join: Ask a team or board member

Getting a key

If you need a key for the TQ bureau/cellar contact the actuar. Send a mail with the subject "key request" to Put in:

  • your full name
  • student mailadress
  • the reason why you need a permanent key

The keys will be ordered 3 times during a semester: 1. at the start of the semester, 2. at the start of Q2 and 3. at the start of the holidays/vorlesungsfreie Zeit. The next deadline for ordering keys can always be found  as a pinned text in the discord chat: "ankündigungen-einladungen".